Knowledge Base
- Angel Meditation
- Awareness of Thoughts Meditation
- Basic Relaxation Meditation
- Body Meditation
- Body Scan Meditation
- Breath Awareness Meditation
- Concentration
- Do Nothing Meditation
- Earth Descent Meditation
- Easy Rest
- Eating Meditation
- Emotional Awareness Meditation
- Equanimity Meditation
- Grounding
- Having an Inner Smile
- Lectio Divina / Holy Reading / Scriptural Meditation
- Lovingkindness
- Mantra Meditation
- Mindfulness of Sounds Meditation
- Mountain Meditation
- Posture Meditation
- Seeing Yourself With Love
- Self Inquiry
- Sky Gazing
- Tonglen
- Trataka – Eye Gazing
- Using RAIN
- Walking Meditation
- Wicca Meditation
- Acting with Intention
- Activating the Parasympathetic Wing of Your Nervous System
- Affirmations
- Art Therapy
- Autogenic Training
- Common Errors in Thinking
- Confidence Building
- Controlled Breathing
- Developing an Inner Guide
- Disputing Negative Thoughts
- Emotional Journaling
- Emotional Validation
- Establishing Safety
- Full Body Awareness
- Gottman’s Marriage Tips
- Gratitude Letter
- Guided Hypnosis
- Humor Therapy
- Identifying Core Beliefs
- Identifying Personal Values
- Letting Go
- Letting Go of Your Story
- Mindful Pause
- Nature Walks
- Neurofeedback Training
- Overcoming Anxious Thoughts
- Problem Solving
- Progressive Relaxation
- Realizing Intention
- Scheduling Something Pleasant
- Scheduling Worry Time
- Seeing Goodness in Others
- Self-Advocacy
- Self-Affirmation to Reduce Self-Control Failure
- Self-Compassion Pause
- Self-Hypnosis
- Shadow Exercise
- Taking in the Good
- Taking Other Viewpoints / Tunnel-Busting
- Three Good Things Exercise
- Time Management
- Tracking Your Mood
- Transforming Anger
- Transforming Anxiety
- Transforming Ill Will
- Working with a Nightmare
- Writing for Self-Compassion
- Altar Making
- Bellows Breathing / Breath of Fire
- Building Your Social Support Network
- Chanting / Devotional Singing
- Community Service / Charity
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Fasting
- Gratitude Practice
- Keeping Silence
- Nutritional Intervention
- Physical Exercise
- Postural Integration
- Sun Salutation
- The 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness
- The Death Posture
- The Twelve Steps
- Clarifying Emotions
- Taking in the Good. A Walking Meditation.
- Forgiveness Meditation
- Responders First
- Creative Stress Management
- No categories